- Objective: Test the candidate web3 frontend skills for the position of Senior Front-end Engineer at Morpho Labs.
- Case study Scope: Development a small deFi interface that allows to read and withdraw all of user shares deposited in a MetaMorpho vault (erc4626 compliant contract) on Ethereum Mainnet.
- Technology Stack: React + TypeScript + viem/wagmi or ethers 6
- Functional Interface: A simple web interface following the design & the specifications, deployed on a service like netlify or vercel.
- Code Repository: Organized and commented code in a GitHub repository. Do not hesitate to prove that you are used to work in team (PR, description etc)
- Basic Documentation: A brief document (README) explaining the functionality and the code structure.
Evaluation Criteria:
- Functionality: Accuracy in displaying the correct values in the correct format.
- Design Implementation: Pixel perfect design implementation.
- Code Quality: Clean code, effective use of TS and React best practices, good development practices (git, Github etc)
- User Experience: Proper state management (e.g. loadings, errors)
Time Allocation:
Do not spend more than 5 hours on this case study.
Task Description:
- User Wallet Connection
- Connection frame: stale, loading, switch network states
- Wallet connection: feel free to use the web3 wallet connection library of your choice.